Stressional Intelligence
To feel more relaxed, focused and lorem ipsum dolor
Numerous studies show that stress has escalated progressively over the past few decades. Increased levels of stress as assessed by the perception of having little control but lots of demands have been demonstrated to be associated with increased rates of heart attack, hypertension and other disorders.
Stress is always due to an interpretation
Nothing can cause you stress outside of your own interpretation of that source as a stress provoking factor. This means that you have the key to the solution inside yourself. It is your own inner strength.
Of course, stress is also the result of your environment. Even so, you can try to change this environment.
All in all, stress bears an enormous cost that is perfectly preventable. Without any feelings of guilt, you can take responsibility for yourself and others.
AURELIS method
With the AURELIS-method you keep your own sensitivity. What provoked a lot of stress to you in a negative way, you can now learn to look at and experience as a motivational challenge. What was rather paralyzing now becomes a source of efficiency. What made you sick becomes a source of power and health.
$ 9
Stressional Intelligence
Thus the ‘stress’ becomes transformed in a spontaneous way into something of which you ask yourself later on how it’s possible that you once called it ‘stress’ in a negative sense.
With AurelisOnLine, you get hands-on tools to deeply invite yourself, by way of sessions of autosuggestion, towards more ‘stressional intelligence’.
$ 12
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AURELIS being a non-profit, all contributions go towards developing better products for you and accessibility for all.
- Students and needy people get AURELIS for free
- You support us with an AURELIS subscription
- Together we can co-create in order to increase health and deeper wellness
- Bring deep peace and relaxation
Meditation Starter Kit
Stressional Intelligence is how to rationally deal with stress in deep respect to yourself.
Body Scan Meditation
This exercise may show so. Nature gave our ancestors a continual amount of stress.