Hairline Calibration

Hairline Calibration

Hairline calibration is an important part of scalp micropigmentation and should be performed by a practitioner who has the necessary experience in this area. This process involves lowering the height of the forehead (the glabellar area) by means of an incision and loosening of the hair-bearing scalp tissue.남성헤어라인교정

The new line is then drawn. The goal is to create a natural-looking, curved line from the A point (the highest point of the eyebrow body) to the S point of the nose. This is important as a high forehead can give the face a doll-like appearance or may cause a disproportionate imbalance with the lower third of the face. Adequate scalp laxity is also crucial for this procedure. Galeotomies can be performed to achieve the desired result if needed.부산탈모병원