Respiratory Diseases

a respiratory disease

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a serious disease of the lungs. It leads to the buildup of toxins and causes a lack of oxygen in the blood. COPD affects almost 15 million people in the United States, with an additional 12 million believed to have the disease but not have been diagnosed.


Inflammation and tightness of the airways are two of the hallmarks of asthma. Airway inflammation is caused by a buildup of mucus and fluid, and causes the airways to become narrow. This narrowing leads to shortness of breath, cough, and chest tightness. In severe cases, asthma can lead to death.

Asthma is usually diagnosed through a physician’s examination. It is one of the most common forms of respiratory diseases, and if left untreated, can have serious consequences. At McKenzie Medical Associates, we use advanced diagnostics to diagnose asthma, and closely monitor symptoms over time. Your treatment plan will be individualized to meet your unique needs. Symptoms of asthma range from mild to severe, and usually worsen in the morning, or after being inactive.

Medications are an important part of treating asthma. These medications will help control the symptoms during flare-ups, such as wheezing and chest tightness. Short-term relief medicines include inhalers and other types of medicines that open up the airways. Control medicines are taken daily to help reduce inflammation and prevent the narrowing of airways.


COPD is a disease in which the airways become narrow and obstructed, limiting airflow. It is among the most common and deadly chronic diseases in the world, affecting more than 5 percent of the population. Although various treatment options are available for COPD, prevention is always the best approach.

Smoking is a known risk factor for COPD. As the disease progresses, smokers may develop a chronic cough or wheezing. In addition to smoking, COPD can also be caused by exposure to fine dust particles. Exposure to these pollutants can aggravate the disease and result in increased hospitalization rates.

COPD is often a silent disease, but symptoms can be quite severe. It affects patients of all ages, and it can result in serious respiratory complications. Patients of COPD experience shortness of breath, frequent coughing fits, and frequent respiratory tract infections. Although COPD is incurable, it is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

Bronchial pneumonia

Bronchial pneumonia is a common respiratory illness, and the most common form is hospital-acquired. This type of pneumonia is different from community-acquired pneumonia, which usually isn’t acquired in a hospital. Symptoms of bronchopneumonia include productive cough, purulent sputum, and dyspnea. More severe forms can also result in sepsis and hemoptysis. The physical exam will reveal a decreased chest expansion on the affected side, and a dullness to percussion and bronchial breath sounds. Patients may also have a whispering pectoriloquy.

Surgical and non-surgical treatment of bronchial pneumonia depends on the location of the infection. In a hospital setting, surgical excision may be necessary if there is a pus-filled cavity in the lung. In a clinic, a doctor will perform a physical exam to evaluate the extent of the infection. He will listen to the lungs with a stethoscope and may order a chest X-ray to confirm the diagnosis. He will also perform a pulse oximetry test to measure oxygen levels in the blood. Histopathology will help determine whether the disease is bacterial or viral in nature.

Bronchial pneumonia is a bacterial infection that affects the bronchi and causes a widespread inflammation of the lungs. In severe cases, the infection spreads to the pleural space and may result in an abscess or a complete breakdown of lung tissue.

Lung tissue diseases

Lung tissue diseases are respiratory diseases characterized by inflammation and scarring of lung tissue. These disorders can be caused by various diseases, medications, environmental pollutants, or even age. This damage can cause shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. It may also affect the alveoli, the tiny air sacs in the lungs.

There are several types of respiratory diseases, but the most common ones are airway diseases and lung tissue diseases. These diseases cause restricted lung function, making it difficult for the lungs to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Lung tissue diseases can also affect the blood vessels of the lungs, causing inflammation and scarring. Lung tissue diseases can also cause problems in the heart and the lungs’ ability to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Lung tissue diseases are also called interstitial lung diseases. These diseases can mimic other lung conditions and medical conditions, and may not be diagnosed with a simple blow-air test. During this test, a doctor will determine the severity of the disease by measuring how fast the lungs can expel air. During the test, disease-related changes will cause large airways to narrow. The airflow measurement is vital for determining the control of the disease. In addition, MRI and CT scans can also help to detect any changes in the internal structures of the body.